Monday, May 11, 2015

Just kidding!!!


yeah I'm going to put my speech on here so, here it is

writing is creating a whole new world, filmaking is bringing it to life. with writing you can explore every possibility. and with filmaking you can do this , but also get to see how it plays out, see how the characters intereact, and see how it pull on the watchers heartstrings when they see it unfold in front of their eyes.
I did not accomplish my original goal. I had planned to write a novel. but that didn't quite work out. what i did accomplish, is relizing I'm better at filmaking. And now i have many new ideas for my webseries im making with my friends.
I learned quite a few things during this project. I learned as a visual thinker its hard for me to explain than show them visually. Also my ideas came gradually , so I learned toupdate as they came to me . though i learned this , i feel i have lots i still need to learn. Like thinking ahead or planning things out or seeing if its even plausible.
My challenges... well like i said the main one was trying to write out and explain what was happening. I would start out with a "It was a warm Saturday morning," and ended up with a " action: she rolles her eyes and exits saying "whatever" so that probably explains that.
Though i did not accoplish my big goal, i made other accomplishments. My biggest being actually puttig my ideas os paper, well more like screen but you get the point. I also planned the first episode of my web series wich is a plus.
I did enjoy this project though, I t was a vent for my imajinationa nd a place to keep track of my ideas.
My conclusion to this is that it wasa great project for me, because i learned to thing things through and not get ahead of myself.

Friday, May 1, 2015

I'm done with writing my speech and putting it on note cards

i think its written pretty well

Oh, yeah in my class i have to write a speech for my closing of my project.
i'm writing mine on how i figured out that i liked film-making more than writing.

this is most likely the last post on here, i might have said that before but this is probably the last.