Friday, April 10, 2015

Evil highschool thing

we see a young man walk through what looks like a school campus*with bags*.he enters a building , walks down a hallway, and in through a door. inside the door we see a "waiting room".
"um, im here to see the head master." boy
"uh huh. give me a second" she then rolls her chair groaning all the way to the door.she cracks it open looks through  wispers something then closes the door. she rolls back to her desk.
"ok go on in"
after he enters the other room she pulls out a womens magazine.                    *leaves bags*
*in the other room
after the door closes the boy turns to seethe headmaster, feet propped up with a sandwich.
"ok what can i halp u with?" headmaster
"um im supposed to come to you to make sure my placement was put through." boy
"right ur that normal kid," H
"wha..." boy (cut off)
"ok well here's your schedule," *half hands half throws* "uh where's your stuff?"
"out there..."
"ok , here's the school rules" *hands rules* "so uh yeah, if you have any questions just figure them out for yourself." *standing up and "escorting" boy out"
"wait where is my housing?"
"just leave your stuff here till you decide" *shuts door*
the boy turns around to see the lady behind the desk reading her magazine and chewing gum
"so go i go to class?"
"uh huh whatever"
the boy leaves the office/lobby as he walks across the campus he reads the rules *camara shows rules*
he passes one student chasing another with a nerf gun.
"what, oh well."
we see him in the hall about to enter a he is about to enter the other students leave the first two out pull him to the side of the hall.
"whoa there newbe," the student with red hair  (R)
"what?" B
"your gonna get trampled" the other student said (G)
"i was supposed to go to class" B
"well its lunch now. " G
"we'll show you the way" R *slngs arm around him
they walk off ; we see them sit down at the table.


I have come to the conclusion that i would much rather practice film than write a novel
I have created a film project for an assignment in school, so i will try to link of post it on this blog.
i will also be trying to film more ideas and post it here (they will go along with my ideas i post here)

so, I'm going to plan out some videos instead of updating chapters for a novel 

Friday, April 3, 2015

\(0$0)/   |_____|     (T - T)
 i do what i want            stop

THE ... 

i dont know what to write...

\(0 ` ~ `0)/  <me right now

ok well I have found I like writing scripts more than books
and that filming is more fun than writing

I guess thats because I'm a visual thinker but I have total writers block on my story so...

I think I'm going to do a trailer for my book project so if I do that I'll post it on here.

im going to go try to write more now
"wait so we just stay here?" shawn asked
"i guess, our parents aren't going to pick us up until like what eleven?" zoe asked
"ten" Katie corrected softly.
"what time is it?" Jake questioned.
"almost 9, we started late." Dasha said turning off her phone.
 the teens sat quietly. they looked from one to another.
"well what now?" Shawn asked.
"well we could pull a breakfastclub just walk around the school." Zoe said after a few seconds.
"better than anything, right." Shawn said standing up.
"won't we get in trouble?" Katie asked as the others stood up.
"If someone asks... just say its a scavenger hunt." Jake said, then walked towards the door. "so come on team" he said with sarcastic emphasis.